Performance "Urban banner - Dear amber embers"
Technique : Acrylic on textile
Year : October 2023
Dimensions : Banner : 2m90 x 1m20 / Video Performance : 6,20 min
With the performance that IAMPIÔ carried out last October 21st in the Ramblas of Barcelona, the artist consolidates and reaffirms the text she wrote in her Urban Banner «Dear Amber Ambers».
“Dear amber embers, I promise to never let you turn cold, feeding you with logs of emotions, invoking inspirational winds, gathering other twigs to shine with, I will keep you warm whatever it takes”
Adopting the metaphor of flying a flag in the style of a Roman banner, IAMPIÔ presents and imposes one of her Urban Banners to passers-by. In this way it manifests the promise of not letting its «inner fire» be extinguished and publicly commits to do so not only by maintaining the effort and creative work, but at the same time keeping faith in that intangible instinct.
Inspired by street marketing which consists in imposing a message to passers-by, IAMPIÔ prefers to use in his work maxims with irregular and intertwined letters instead of short slogans in capital letters. This choice shows the importance of taking the time to convey the message and the persevering will of the public to want to read it.